Expertly crafted with miniature details, FICKLE dollhouses create giant possibilities for children.
Inspired by the retro vibes of the 1970’s and designed in Tulsa, Oklahoma, a city brimming with Art Deco homes and office buildings, the first in a series of FICKLE dollhouses is a one room, A-frame structure with sleek lines and interchangeable designs. Made from acrylic and outfitted with contemporary furnishings, FICKLE dollhouses seamlessly blend into your everyday surroundings and joyfully stand out among the expanse of your children’s ordinary playthings.
Because FICKLE dollhouses feature interiors and facades that can easily be switched out, these functionally-designed pieces change with children and can be played with for years. And since children often tend to shift their affinities for toys, FICKLE products are engineered for consideration of space and offer a flexible design that allows parents to quickly disassemble the dollhouse to be flat-packed and stored in the closet or under the bed until the kiddos get bored with the watercolors and want to make believe with their favorite dollhouse again.
Sourced with environmentally-friendly materials and styled with a modern aesthetic, FICKLE founder Kendall Burleson, an engineer-turned-designer, created the modular dollhouse she wished her own daughter could have played with when she was young.
Providing opportunities for imaginative play and integrated learning, children and parents alike will enjoy the ability to frequently change their FICKLE dollhouses to create new worlds together.
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